
Bird Watching Apps

Top 5 birding/bird watching apps out there as of 2019, which would enhance your birding experience. From ebird to Audubon, there are many apps out there.
image with best bird watching apps

Birding or Bird Watching is about leaving the modern life behind and become one with nature, right? Well, you can leave everything behind but can’t live without your smartphones, because now there are apps available which can enhance your birding experience.

Whether you are a beginner or experienced birder, birding apps have something for everyone. As beginners birding app can help you identify a bird with pictures, and as an experienced birder, it can help take you places where you might get your lifer.

To begin with there are birding apps which can help you identify a bird with the photograph you captured and also birding apps you can identify birds around you with the sound you captured.

Here is the list of the best bird watching apps which you can download your android and apple mobile to ease identification of birds

  • eBird and Merlin Bird ID – Bird watching apps
  • BirdsEye Nature App – Bird finding guide
  • Song Sleuth – Auto Bird Song ID App
  • Audubon Bird Guide App

Sound interesting and want to learn about these apps then continue reading.

merlin bird watching app
Merlin and eBird bird watching apps

eBird and Merlin Bird ID are two bird watching apps which are both from Cornell Lab of Ornithology. They both are excellent apps for birds identification. But where eBird scores over Merlin are that where Merlin is restricted to birds of US and Canada, eBird is universal and is good for identification of birds in the Indian subcontinent

eBird, is free to download and use. You can create your profile and upload the birds you have spotted.

This app is available in both iOS and android versions.

There is a great website ebird which transforms your bird sightings to find birds, track your lists, explore range maps and bird migration. If you haven’t explored, I would recommend you to explore and register.

birds eye bird watching app
BirdsEye Nature App - Bird finding guide

BirdsEye from Birds in the Hand, LLC is yet another app which has both free and paid version.

It is a very good app for finding rare birds around you. You can sync your eBird account with this app, and with your location known, it can show which all birds been spotted by other birders around your location.

You can select the bird you have on your lifer list and once it finds the location where that bird had been spotted recently, it will send you the google map location of that spot as well.

This app is available for Android and Apple ios devices. You can download Apple version from here.


song sleuth bird watching app
Song Sleuth - Auto Bird Song ID App

Song Sleuth  is an app which identifies a bird by its sound. Though it is not the first app to provide this feature, there are other apps which are again region specific like ChirpOMatic, Warblr etc., but they are UK region specific. This one is again region specific and mainly caters to North America. It has a good database of around 200 birds.

All you need to do to use it is to provide your location and record a sound, the app will filter out to best possible match for that sound, most of the time that is very accurate.

It is a paid app which will cost you around $10 ($9.99 to be exact)

audubon bird watching app
Audubon Bird Guide App

Audubon – Bird Guide App

As per the description on the app

“The Audubon Bird Guide is a free and complete field guide to over 800 species of North American birds, right in your pocket. Built for all experience levels, it will help you identify the birds around you, keep track of the birds you’ve seen, and get outside to find new birds near you.

With over 2 million downloads to date, it is one of the best and most trusted field guides for North American birds.”

Again very specific to North America.

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Vipul Gupta
Few people can do anything for their living, but to live, they need to keep going back to nature. Vipul is one of that lot. He is an IT professional, whose calling always remains wild. He is more into wildlife photography and for that he keeps visiting various parts of the country. He is sharing his view on the locations he has visited for Bird photography.